Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
25196.707 Cs II 20 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[3/2]°2 152800.4209 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[5/2]3 156769.1928
25227.25 Cs II 120 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[7/2]°4 152558.4033 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[5/2]3 156522.3703
25648.037 Cs II 8 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°1 164666.073 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[1/2]0 168565.0066
25740.31 Cs II 30 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[5/2]°3 153687.1457 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[7/2]4 157572.1025
25770.543 Cs I 10 - 5p6.4f 27/2 24472.0455 5p6.6g 2G7/2 28352.4444
25771.759 Cs I 6 - 5p6.4f 25/2 24472.2269 5p6.6g 2G7/2 28352.4444
25791.22 Cs I - - 5p6.8p 23/2 25791.508 5p6.12s 2S1/2 29668.80336
26083.71 Cs II 2 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).5g 2[7/2]°4 169144.3317 5p5.(2P°3/2).6f 2[5/2]3 172978.1401
26135.339 Cs II 4 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[3/2]2 168233.8565 5p5.(2P°3/2).9s 2[3/2]°1 172060.0931
26360.637 Cs II 10 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[1/2]°1 152181.1184 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[3/2]2 155974.6533
26416.313 Cs II 4 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[1/2]°0 151682.3953 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[3/2]1 155467.9346
26440.124 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[5/2]°2 166696.0306 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[3/2]2 170478.161
26456.049 Cs II 15 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°2 164454.0039 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[3/2]2 168233.8565
26510.489 Cs II 45 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[7/2]°4 152558.4033 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[9/2]5 156330.4943
26515.853 Cs II 3 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).5g 2[11/2]°5 169062.063 5p5.(2P°3/2).6f 2[9/2]4 172833.3888
26599.62 Cs I - - 5p6.8p 21/2 25708.83548 5p6.10d 2D3/2 29468.2878
26707.302 Cs II 4 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[5/2]°2 166696.0306 5p5.(2P°1/2).4f 2[7/2]3 170440.3246
26714.929 Cs II 5 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8d 2[5/2]°3 173158.2478 5p5.(2P°3/2).7f 2[7/2]4 176901.4718
26734.622 Cs II 25 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[7/2]°3 152845.2775 5p5.(2P°3/2).4f 2[9/2]4 156585.745
26744.679 Cs II 5 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[3/2]2 168233.8565 5p5.(2P°3/2).9s 2[3/2]°2 171972.9175
26826.115 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[3/2]°1 166764.4149 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[1/2]1 170492.1254
26829.065 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[5/2]°3 166609.7528 5p5.(2P°1/2).4f 2[5/2]3 170337.0537
26926.994 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[3/2]°1 166764.4149 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[3/2]2 170478.161
26961.913 Cs II 2 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8d 2[5/2]°2 173075.3506 5p5.(2P°3/2).7f 2[7/2]3 176784.2846
26986.037 Cs II 3 - 5p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[5/2]°2 166140.2712 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[3/2]1 169845.8911
27163.339 Cs I - - 5p6.8p 23/2 25791.508 5p6.10d 2D5/2 29472.93995
27195.397 Cs II 3 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[7/2]°3 152845.2775 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[5/2]3 156522.3703
27647.583 Cs II 1 - 5p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[5/2]°3 167025.16 5p5.(2P°1/2).4f 2[7/2]4 170642.1137
27956.326 Cs II 1 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[1/2]°1 152181.1184 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[1/2]1 155758.1267
28010.61 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8d 2[7/2]°3 172968.1774 5p5.(2P°3/2).7f 2[9/2]4 176538.2356
28028.604 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°1 164666.073 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[3/2]2 168233.8565
28051.846 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).5g 2[11/2]°6 169061.7556 5p5.(2P°3/2).6f 2[9/2]5 172626.5818
28397.62 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[3/2]°2 166970.7032 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[1/2]1 170492.1254
28430.174 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8d 2[7/2]°4 172914.6297 5p5.(2P°3/2).7f 2[9/2]5 176432.0079
28476.893 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[5/2]°2 153311.2074 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[3/2]1 156822.8269
28657.196 Cs II 1 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°2 164454.0039 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[5/2]3 167943.5275
28960.316 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[5/2]°3 167025.16 5p5.(2P°1/2).7p 2[3/2]2 170478.161
29318.05 Cs I 9 - 5p6.7s 2S1/2 18535.5286 5p6.7p 23/2 21946.397
29482.978 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°1 164666.073 5p5.(2P°3/2).8p 2[3/2]1 168057.861
29550.142 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[5/2]°3 153687.1457 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[3/2]2 157071.2245
29843.278 Cs I - - 5p6.4f 27/2 24472.0455 5p6.8d 2D5/2 27822.8802
29948.965 Cs I - - 5p6.4f 25/2 24472.2269 5p6.8d 2D3/2 27811.24
30111.48 Cs I 35 - 5p6.6p 21/2 11178.2681587 5p6.5d 2D3/2 14499.2568
30495.479 Cs II 1 - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6d 2[7/2]°3 152845.2775 5p5.(2P°3/2).7p 2[5/2]2 156124.4521
30620.48 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6h 2[7/2]3 174538.7506 5p5.(2P°3/2).7i 2[9/2]°4 177804.539
30621.41 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6h 2[7/2]4 174538.8663 5p5.(2P°3/2).7i 2[9/2]°5 177804.555
30677.47 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6h 2[13/2]7 174548.322 5p5.(2P°3/2).7i 2[15/2]°7,8 177808.04
30835.67 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6h 2[9/2]5 174576.2221 5p5.(2P°3/2).7i 2[11/2]°5,6 177819.214
30902.98 Cs II - - 5p5.(2P°3/2).6h 2[11/2]6 174586.6444 5p5.(2P°3/2).7i 2[13/2]°6,7 177822.575
30961.5 Cs I 10 - 5p6.7s 2S1/2 18535.5286 5p6.7p 21/2 21765.348
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